Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  Iris Nebula  ·  NGC 7023
The Iris Nebula, William Maxwell
The Iris Nebula
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The Iris Nebula

The Iris Nebula, William Maxwell
The Iris Nebula
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The Iris Nebula



Acquisition details



I had two nights of subs, but the now famous aurora was so bright it actually washed  out the night's attempts completely...rather sad especially since I slept through  the whole dang  thing (which being just south of the Canadian border was a treat sorely missed).

The Iris is quite striking though, so I take consolation in that. Its surprisingly difficult to process since ,I'm guessing, the dust in the region can "soften" many of the stars. I tried  processing a couple times until I just accepted that some stars are just going to look soft and somewhat dull.

Color from last year's attempt. Nights are getting pretty short around here, so just ran luminance.


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Iris Nebula, William Maxwell

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